Thursday, July 28, 2011

Om gam ganapataye

Ganesh - The remover of obstacles, patron of new beginnings, the arts, science, writing, intellect and wisdom...  

It's funny how you can have a whole slew of feelings one day and then have an immediate epiphany the next!  In this world of unlimited information and resources it's a wonder we even still have problems!  I know that sounds like a joke!  Whether the situation is good or bad, it will change!  It really is all about attitude, why then is it so hard to control it sometimes?  These feelings rise up within us without a moments notice, instead of trying to control them or analyze them, it might be a lot easier to just sit back and observe!  I'm not saying don't do anything about it, I'm saying that usually these feelings pass on their own if just given a little time! Basically, don't feed the fire of emotions!  You are indeed responsible for everything that happens to you!  In some way or another!

So, why Ganesh?  Ganesha has been popping up around me a lot lately, in songs, art, literature, I've been increasingly drawn to elephants everywhere!!!  As a remover of obstacles who wouldn't want him on your side?  With all of my emotions swirling around me I was too busy to notice the message being sent to me!  With Ganesh being representative of the Muladhara Chakra which is the root or first Chakra, the Chakra of innocence and the energy of creation. This root is where we derive our sense of self , place and purpose in the world.  This is exactly what I've been searching for lately, developing my creativity, trying to find my place in my new career, and in my life.  Ganesh is saying to me plain and simple - HELLO, sit your root Chakra ass down and meditate on it!  So, that is what I am going to do!  

~*~ You won't find yourself in the mirror!